Monday, 9 March 2015

On My New Addiction!

Assalamualaikum wbt all,

This going to be a short one. I just wanted to make sure that I have something to share today.

Other than porn, I have a new addiction, and it's legit! *drum roll*. I'm addicted to RICE. Yes, rice. You read it right. It's freaking merely rice. No big deal. No news. Get over it. Ikr. LMAOOOO.

This really takes me by surprise since I wasn't really 'a rice person' since forever. I was more into noodles. Or a bit Mediterranean probably. 

Even when I was travelling or on a trip, it didn't bother me much not to have rice for a week or two. I remember when I had a month trip back in 2012, I only had it three or four times throughout the whole journey. 

I noticed this abnormal behavior (lol?) hit me at the very first day touching down in Malaysia last November. It becomes an obligation to have it in almost every single meal I have ever since. Two or three exceptions. ALMOST. EVERY. SINGLE. MEAL. 

I've become so into rice to the point that every time I wanted to try other things, my heart would say: "Hey esok belum tentu kau dapat rasa yang sama macam hari ni tau!" or "esok entah-entah memang tak takkan dapat merasa dah makanan ni selama-lamanya!" And I take a bow all the time. 

Few times I had it four or five times a day. Five times buds! The big portion ones. Hahaha. 

And the result? I've gained 6 kilos! And I'm not done just yet. 

Noodles: HISTORY. 

Any tips how to handle the trigger? (I'm craving for rice now, I'm not gonna lie to you!)



  1. Drink lots of plain water. Makan lauk banyak with less portion of rice (3 spoon enuff)

    1. Thanks for the info. Very helpful. :D

      I think at some points we're well aware of this stuff. It's just that we can't win over the trigger...

  2. makan je la banyak mana pun, janji lps tu pergi bakar balik itu carbs...

  3. Haa, kalau buat masa ni utk makan banyak mana tu mmg I terer, tapi bila nak suruh bakar balik carbs tu memang mujahadah gile. huhu
